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The Legal Notices and Terms of Use applicable to any other country or region of the world may be different.
The Website also offer the sale of products online (hereafter “ERES Online Boutique”), the terms of which are set out in the ERES Terms of Sale, forming an overall contract with the Legal Notices and Terms of Use below and the Privacy section.
The website is owned and operated by:
ERES, joint stock company with a capital of €100,120.00 euros, headquartered at 2 place Skanderbeg 75019 Paris, registered under number B 582 114 179 on the Paris Companies Register, intra-community VAT number FR 42582114179.
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ERES and/or its affiliates around the world own the domain name “”. The Website is a creation of the mind protected by intellectual property laws. The Website as a whole and the products sold on it, as well as all the associated intellectual property (such as texts, site maps, programmes, databases, animations, photographs, illustrations, sounds, colour codes, diagrams, logos, brands and designs) are the exclusive property of ERES and/or its affiliates around the world and/or have been regularly licensed to ERES. ERES and/or its affiliates around the world are solely authorised to use the associated intellectual property rights.
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When you use a “Share” function on the Website to share a ERES product, event or message, you acknowledge and accept that the content available for sharing must only be used for purely personal purposes, excluding any commercial use on websites or web pages and/or other commercial digital media.
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Not all websites with a hyperlink to the Website are under ERES’s control and ERES therefore disclaims any liability (especially editorial) regarding access to such websites and their content.
ERES is free to change the content of the Website at any time and without notice.
ERES strives to ensure that the information available via the Website is accurate and up-to-date. However, ERES gives no warranty that such information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. ERES gives no warranty, express or implied, in respect of all or part of the Site.
Subject to the specific provisions for online sales, ERES cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, irrespective of the cause, origin, nature and consequence, arising from browsing and use of the Website. In particular, ERES declines any liability in the event of interruption or inaccessibility of the Website, the occurrence of bugs or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts by third parties (such as an intrusion) originating from the Website.
ERES implements measures to ensure the security of the data collected on the Website. Nevertheless, ERES has no control over the risks associated with the functioning of the internet and draws your attention to the existence of potential risks regarding the confidentiality of data transiting through this network.
If you have any questions regarding the warranty and liability rules applicable to the ERES Online Boutique, please check the Terms of Sale.
The provisions relating to personal data and cookies are set out in the Privacy section.
Prices displayed on the Website are shown in Euros, except for the United Kingdom in GBP.
When placing orders on the ERES Online Boutique, please check the information regarding prices and any delivery costs applicable in the Terms of Sale.
The price of products not sold on the ERES Online Boutique are provided as a guide and have no contractual value. They correspond to the prices applied by ERES in its stores and are subject to change and adjustment without notice.
ERES informs you that these Terms of Use can be amended at any time. Such amendments are posted online and are deemed to be accepted unconditionally when you access the Website after they are posted online. ERES recommends you check this page regularly.
If any clause of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid due to a change in legislation or regulations or a court decision, this cannot in any way affect the validity of and compliance with the other clauses of the Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use are governed by French law without depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of your usual residence.
Failing amicable agreement, the French courts in Paris have territorial jurisdiction to deal with any dispute relating to the Website, notwithstanding your option to bring the dispute before a competent foreign court of your choice
Last updated: MARCH 2020
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